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Systems Utilities

AIM Suite II Subsystem Benchmark

AIM Technology

AIM Benchmark Suite II compares multiple UNIX systems that use 37functional tests. The test results are used to summarize systemperformance in disk, floating point, RAM, math, logic, pipe, and TTY.Users can define their own applications environments based on theiraccounting, compiling, database, graphics, scientific, spreadsheet, andword processing operations; and can also examine system performance underthese conditions.Suite II can be run in approximately a half-hour, and it contains areport generator for automatic comparisons. Release 1.1 includesextensive refinements in the code and updated documentation. The productupdate service provides a results database of several of the newestsystems, including those from AT&T, DEC, and Sperry, for comparison; thedatabase is updated periodically.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

AIM Technology
4699 Old Ironsides Dr Suite 400
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: (408) 748-8649
        (800) 848-UNIX
Fax: (408) 748-0161